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Nation Lanka Finance PLC records an impressive growth in the 2018/19 FY outperforming industry expectations.

The Company reported a Rs.167 million profit in the current year,The lending portfolio of the company was the biggest contributor to its growth, with leasing and hire purchase leading the increased revenue board. In 2018/2019 FY leasing grew by 175 percent, from 569 million rupees last year to 2.3 billion rupees in the year under review. Hire purchases grew by 68 percent, from 113 million rupees last year to 190 million rupees in the current year. The company also benefited from the net interest income of 1.2 billion rupees in 2018/19 FY.


Nation Lanka Finance is a Licensed Finance Company by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under Finance Business Act No.42 of 2011.

Date incorporate - 15th July 1987.
Company Registration No - PQ33.
Eligible deposit liabilities are insured with the Sri Lanka Deposit Insurance Scheme implemented by the Monetary Board for compensation up to maximum of Rs. 1,100,000 per depositor.
(011) 4 760 800
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